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Wawa April Construction Update: Logan, Penns Grove, Williamstown

Wawa April Construction Update: Logan, Penns Grove, Williamstown

A quick Wawa constriction photo update for three upcoming South Jersey convenience stores; Penns Grove, Logan and Williamstown (Monroe)

There are no official opening date estimates for any of the three locations.

That being said based on my experience covering other Wawa stores I would guess that Penns Grove and Logan both open sometime this summer. A store employee in Williamstown said they’ve been told December is the earliest for their new location, possibly slipping to Jan 2025.

Penns Grove

In October of last year I first wrote about the Wawa development starting in Penns Grove, at the corner of N Virginia Ave (Rt 130) and E Main St.

This is a key intersection for the Borough, which is also home to Rite Aid and Walgreens pharmacies.

Previously the extended Wawa property was home to Incollingo’s Market which had closed in 2022. The family sold the property to developers who demolished the old store and shopping center ahead of the new projects.

Wawa – Penns Grove NJ. New small building of stores to the left. McDonald’s approved for lower left open space.

A small three store strip mall has already been already developed in a portion of the property, with Wawa taking the main corner at the intersection.

In December of last year the development of a McDonald’s was also approved for the property to be developed along N Virginia Ave at the front of the strip mall parking lot. In my visit today there was no progress seen on the McDonald’s project.

In my October visit the site had been cleared ahead of the development, and when I returned in December there as no activity.

Wawa – Penns Grove NJ

Wawa typically used two different development teams for their projects… one to do the initial site preparation and water management and then later a different team comes in to develop the Wawa store, which can lead to some perceived temporary stoppages in development ahead to the second Genera Contractor coming in.

The Penns Grove Wawa layout is a very traditional Super Wawa design with the convenience store sitting in the back, and the gas station canopy and pumps directly in front.

In my visit today the core building structure was standing and weatherproofed (walls and ceilng), with HVAC on the roof.   The steel canopy for the pump area was also in place.

Wawa – Penns Grove NJ

Logan Township

I first covered the Logan Township Wawa back in December of 2022 and have not written anything else on the location since then.

Wawa – Rt 322 Logan Township NJ

This new Wawa is being developed on the busy Route 322 (Westbound) corridor in Western Gloucester County. Continuing West leads to the Rt 130 interchange and the Commodore Barry Bridge to Pennsylvania.

Wawa – Rt 322 Logan Township NJ

The new Wawa sits along the roadway but does not have direct access from Rt 322 into the parking lot and instead shares an entrance/exit with a new large warehouse which was developed behind the Wawa. The warehouse is a distribution center for Burlington Stores.

In the area there is additional roadside land available for other development but we do not know of any plans yet for those other parcels.

Wawa – Rt 322 Logan Township NJ

Monroe Township

The new Monroe Township Wawa is also being developed on Route 322, but about 20 miles East at the Tuckahoe Road intersection.

There is a classic Wawa on the opposite corner of the same intersection, and this new Super Wawa will replace the legacy store once completed.

Wawa – Rt 322 Williamstown / Monroe Township, NJ

I wrote about this new Monroe location just three months ago when the site was initially being cleared.

In my visit today we can see that the entire site has been cleared and leveled down to a packed dirt lot, and retention basins were roughed-in at the property.

Waiting at the site are the underground water management concrete pieces, including piping and collection sections.

Wawa – Rt 322 Williamstown / Monroe Township, NJ