The Missing Moves project in Bellmawr continues to move at a fast pace, and in this article and video I gave a quick update of key aspects.
I also talk a little about the latest plans for the Bellmawr Landfill!
This is a two-part series. On Wednesday 9/21 I will be releasing an update on Bellmawr’s other large road project… Direct Connection.
Feel free to read the summary here but the video is only 7 minutes long and has a lot more information! Video link is at the bottom.
NJDOT is also working on another route 42 based project to replace the bridges in Gloucester Township which go over the Health and Fitness Trail. You can read about that here.
This project is separate from the large Direct Connection (where the road collapsed). This Missing Moves is expected to be completed in late 2023.
Missing Moves Update September 2022
Missing moves is a $180 million dollar road project in Bellmawr New Jersey to allow access direct access from Route 42 to the Southern sections of Route 295… and of course in the reverse direction also.
Currently the Southern sections of Routes 42 and 295 do not have direct access to each other. This causes drivers to exit the highways onto local roads to then jump back on the other higway.
The image below shows the ramp coming off of Route 42 North. It will cross over 42 and head left across the edge of the landfill.

The image below shows Missing Moves as it approaches and crosses over Creek Rd and then heads to Route 295.
The steel girders for the roadway over Route 295 are also still to be completed.

Route 42 Center Column Construction
From northbound Route 42 there is a ramp that will lead to an overpass over route 42.
That overpass is not completed, as they need to build a center support column first.
Before the column could be developed, because of the tight center median they had to shift lanes away from the center.
We can now see that they are starting the foundation for the needed center column.

Raised Earth Area
Close to Creek Rd they are working on completing the raised earth area. While the entire roadway is elevated not all of it is built as a bridge!
This area is starting to see the creation of the actual roadbed which will connect two overpasses; from Route 42 are to the bridge over Creek Rd.

Creek Road to 295 Segment
The bridges over Creek Rd were the first to see horizontal steel get installed and it appears they have a very solid road surface in place with construction crews able bring heavy equipment onto the bridge!
Crews appear to be building the concrete side railings which are needed of course to keep cars on the roadway.
While there is a concrete bed now for the roadway, as they complete the side railings I believe an layer of asphalt will be added.

Moving further past Creek Road is the area that connects to Route 295.
The southbound lane which goes over 295 does traverse halfway across the busy highway (northbound) but contractors have not completed the second portion over the southbound side.
In the lane that comes off of North 295 you can see the completed side walls for the roadway as well as a layer of road asphalt. This needs to be done for the entire Missing Moves roadway.

Creek Road Bridge Rebuild
A big surprise is how far along the new Creek Road bridge is!
It basically looks 99% completed.
Today the traffic is still using half of the new bridge but it appears that they are close to opening the roadway up.
On the south side of the new bridge they have a tall pedestrian fenced guard in place as there is a sidewalk there now!
There really wasn’t a viable sidewalk around the Creek Rd previously.

As shown in my previous update, the new Creek Rd bridge has a bend in it on the “Bellmawr Lake” side of the bridge.
This design is because the process to develop the new bridge while keeping traffic flowing of the roadway, meant that it had to be demolished and redeveloped in half sections. The extra shifted spacing was needed to accommodate the development process.

Route 55 Overpass to Route 42
Heading way back over to Route 42 in the Deptford area where the large Route 55 overpass crossed over top of Route 42 and connects to the northbound lane…
Currently that overpass is configured as one lane. This causes bottlenecks as traffic needs to consolidate into one lane.
As part of the Missing Moves project this overpass will be repainted as two lanes.
The right most lane will be configured to mostly guide traffic to stay in the same straight lane where it eventually flows directly into the Missing Moves project.

Bellmawr Landfill Update had the recent story on the latest plan for the large 100+ acre Bellmawr landfill, which is next to the Missing Moves roadway.
In their post from last month, SJO says the developer is now targeting to add three distribution warehouses to the property.
The landfill is raised way above the local roadways… so only a drone image can show that the developer seems to has created outlines of building foundations on top of the landfill for the three buildings.
Image below shows 2 of the three. Check the video for imagery of all three!

Lastly a 17 acre waterfront park is to be developed along the edge of the landfill.
This will include a waterfront walking trail, pavilions and more.
In the image below is Big Timber Creek. The river edge on the far side is not included in this park, but the side closest… where the landfill is.. is where the side where the park are will be created.
South Jersey Observer has a diagram in their article, or check the video below.

Missing Moves September 2022 Update Video
Embeded Youtube video below or click this link to load into a new webpage.
Other Recent Road Coverage
September 6, 2022: Route 42 Bridges Over Blackwood Railroad Trail Being Removed. Large Pedestrian Tunnel Under Construction
August 31, 2022: Route 42 Median in Bellmawr Prepped for Center Column Build
July 19, 2022: Route 42 North New Bellmawr Exit 14 Location Starts Wednesday Morning