A property on Egg Harbor Road In Washington Township was cleared this week ahead of construction of a beautiful Georgian Colonial style building which will become the new home of South Jersey Periodontics and Dental Implants.
Using some design cues from Connecticut’s historic Loundsbury House, once completed the all new construction Washington Township building will look like it’s stepped out of the pages of an American history book, with its two story front patio and ornate entrance columns.
The property will quickly become an iconic building on Egg Harbor Road, as well as a more functional office environment for the specialty dental practice.

The building is the dream of Doctor Daniel Kubikian DMD who first opened his specialty dental practice in Washington Township in 2009, and then just a few years later relocated to the current larger building on Egg Harbor Road.
Now with three doctors on the team and a support staff of about 25, Daniel is developing a new building directly next to his current office which when completed, at 15,000sf will become the largest periodontal and dental implant practice under one roof in the country!

I stopped in at the office this week and met the wonderful staff at the office who greeted me with big happy smiles!
Office manager Jodi gave me a full tour of the current facility and it was clear to understand the need for the larger space… first off just to accommodate their current needs but also to account for the expected growth in the future.
Honestly the current building is already an attractive facility which was originally developed as a doctor’s home office. Back in 2011 the building was unoccupied and Dan took ownership of the property, spending 1 1/2 years transforming it into his dental practice.

Doctor Dan says one of the reasons for increased demand is that over the last several years, he specialized in a procedure called “All on 4” where a patient IN ONE DAY, can have an entire set of teeth removed and replaced in ~90 minutes of surgery and the teeth DO NOT come out of the mouth.
In fact, they are able to now “print teeth”, resulting in a more time and cost efficient work flow.
Innovative and high-quality periodontic and dental implant work has led to significant numbers of new patients and referrals from dentists across the Delaware Valley, and it seems over the years years the building has had several remodeling efforts just to keep up with demand.
That original building was designed with six operatories and overtime they expanded to 9… which meant relocating some employee spaces into a refinished basement while also expanding the parking lot.
In 2020 Dr. Allison Gilberg joined the practice and recently Dr. Ana Kodra joined, and as mentioned there will likely be more staff added in the future.

For those not in the medical industry it may be surprising to learn how much staff is required to keep things moving smoothly! Factor in front office staff, call center for appointments, intake/insurance offices, billing and other services… it takes a small army of people and spaces!
Honestly the existing office is beautiful and functional, but that is because of the regular updates that were needed to meet demand, and honestly it seems like they’ve run out of options to support future growth!
Which leads us to the need for the new building at 336 Egg Harbor Road, which will be the new home for South Jersey Periodontics and Dental Implants.
As a first generation American, Dan fell in love with America and is incredibly thankful that his grandparents and parents immigrated here in 1963 and found success… that Dan has really dived into all of the amazing history of the country, celebrating everything that makes America great.

If you’ve visited their existing office you’ve likely noticed the portrait of George Washington greeting you as soon as you enter the front door… George Washington holding a martini glass that is, which also highlights the family and fun nature of the staff.
So for the new building it will be a Georgian Colonial style home design themed in ”Americana”.
Dan’s long time friend and the office manager Jodi appropriately suggested naming the new building ”Washington Manor”!
With a clean slate… Dan, the staff and architects have been able to design a facility that will best meet all aspects of the growing practice’s capabilities, offering significantly more space and rooms to accommodate today’s needs as well as into the future.
This week the trees were cleared on the lot in preparation for the development, which Dan hopes to have started later this year.
Dan loves greenery and trees and in fact the property is very deep, and most of the lot is not being developed.

Where he has had to remove trees for the construction, he noted that there’s been some challenges with the older overgrown trees regularly being impact by storms, and as part of the full development process he will be planting beautiful privacy trees throughout the property for the benefit of the neighbors and the office.
You’ve likely already noticed that the existing office decorates its front porch for all of the holiday seasons, and I can’t wait to see what they put together for the new beautiful “Americana” Washington Manor building.
The existing office will remain and the expectation at this point is that it would be made available for lease by another medical practice.

Links and Location
South Jersey Periodontics & Dental Implants
Current: 340 Egg Harbor Road
Washington Twp, 08080