I don’t think its been more than a year since the Glassboro K-Mart closed at the Collegetown Shopping Center on Rt 47 and already the Glassboro property has several tenants signed to take over a “split” K-Mart building, including new “pad” site tenants located in the parking lot!
Unfortunately we don’t have all the details on the tenants… and not the specifics on the large tenants moving into the K-mart building. But we do have information on the new “pad” tenants.
K-Mart Building Redevelopment
The most interesting part is the K-Mart building will be split into THREE main front facing tenants and a fourth smaller tenant space in the back corner. Leasing agent documents found online (Metro) indicate that all three of those larger stores are leased, and one clearly is indicated as “Signed Grocery Store Lease“. The Metro documents show that store size as 25,000 sq ft which puts it into a smaller specialty grocery category but still seems too large for the “Aldi” type stores.. but it also seems the K-Mart building will be made slightly smaller.
The October Zoning Board minutes state that the 107,000 sq ft K-Mart building will be made 10,000 foot smaller by removing the front facade and rebuilding it back further in line with the rest of the shopping center. That familiar K-Mart retro blocky entrance will be gone and replaced with three distinctive stores. This is a process similar to what was done with Brooklawn’s K-Mart.
I did reach out to leasing agents and Brixmor, and received a reply from the Brixmor Corporate office who said “We can’t confirm at this time”.. so what I write below is unconfirmed

Site Plan from Metro Commercial. We added the Purple squares to indicate the new store and building locations
For the K-Mart Building I found the following descriptions. None of these actual retailers are known.
- Grocer on left 1/3 of store: This is in the Metro Commercial leasing PDF clearly state “Signed Lease”, and also captioned in Brixmor doc as “GROCER”
- Center one 1/3: Metro literature says “Signed Lease”. The Brixmor redevelopment page lists “HOME”. Home store (decor) stores have been expanding in our area, with retailers such as Homesense, Home Goods and others entering the market the last five years.
- Right 1/3: Metro Leasing lists this segment as “In Lease” and the Brixmor document lists the property as “APPAREL”
New Pad Sites: Chase Bank and Chipotle planned plus others
The Glassboro Zoning minutes offered additional details on two of the tenants coming to the parking lot area… this is probably because for the Zoning board, knowing the tenants in this new construction can help them understand the full usage (drive thru lanes) and trash disposal requirements.
There will be three new buildings with what I interpret as a total of 5 smaller tenants.
Here’s a quick summary:
- The existing SaladWorks will move into the main shopping center
- The 2 existing “pad” sites will be demolished. (Payless closed, and Salad Works is moving)
- Chase Bank: A new Chase Bank will be developed where the Payless store was. It will have a drive up ATM but no drive thru tellers. There will be spaces for a restaurant and another store
- Chipotle: Where Salad Works is now, that will be demolished and a new building will support three new stores with one of them proposed to be Chipotle. Chipotle will have a pick-up window but not a drive thru
Planning and Timing
We are not aware of the full development dates, but I’ve been told construction fencing is now up on the property
The Zoning documents state:
- The K-Mart work will start first (rebuilding the front facade)
- Chase Bank Building and Salad Works (new) build out
- Demo of old Salad Works building and build out of the 3-4 new tenant spaces. (presumably referring to the K-mart space?)
So there is some exciting news for Glassboro in its still thriving Delsea Drive commercial district… but we don’t know all of the details.
Of course as we find things out we’ll post updates. Looking forward to reading comments from readers (facebook) about what they know. I heard one rumor on the Grocer plans but without confirmation I don’t want to publish just yet
CollegeTown Shopping Center
779 Delsea Dr
Glassboro, NJ 08028
Additional store opportunities remain! Reach out to Metro Commercial (link below) for details
Brixmor Redevelopment Page (and PDF)
Metro Commercial Leasing Page (and PDF)