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Former K-Mart Building in Blackwood Is Mostly Demolished.  Zallie ShopRite 4th Qtr 2025

Former K-Mart Building in Blackwood Is Mostly Demolished.  Zallie ShopRite 4th Qtr 2025

The former large K-Mart building In Blackwood NJ is now effectively demolished, which surprised some readers who reached out to 42Freeway for an update.  Prior information including my own report from a month ago indicated that it would no be as extensive.

This demolition work is part of the project to develop a brand new Zallie ShopRite supermarket within the Cherrywood shopping center. This new building will replace the existing Laurel Hill location a mile up the road. Chews Landing ShopRite will remain open.

The current status of the demo does not impact the project timelines and they plan on opening this year (2025) in the fourth quarter.

Today the building is effectively gone… The entire Kmart front has been removed, the full roof structure and a large portion of the rear of the building.  It seems what remains right now is a very small section of the building consisting on the left and right sides, which were originally some cinder block room structures.

So just a month ago I wrote about the start of the demolition and at the time my commentary stated that I believed they were only taking down a portion of the building, particularly the front brick façade.

Zallie ShopRite Cherrywood Plaza – Blackwood. Former K-Mart Property

But in that article while I expressed some confidence that it’s just a partial teardown, I do say “That being said I’ve not been able to get an update just yet to fully clarify”

Simply at that time of the initial demolition work starting, I tried for several days to get in touch with my contacts at Zallie for an answer and even spoke to Gloucester Township, and as the old saying goes “timing is everything”… and I was not able to get an official update.

Zallie ShopRite Woolwich – Similar design aspects coming to Cherrywood Blackwood

Well last week I heard from the awesome team at Zallie who gave me an update quote, but more importantly in mid-February I am visiting the offices where we I expect to review all of the Zallie ShopRite 2025 projects… such as this new Cherrywood Blackwood ShopRite, the recently approved liquor store for Medford, as well as upcoming updates for other stores such as West Deptford.

Regarding the Zallie Cherrywood Blackwood ShopRite:

Changes have been implemented throughout the year, and we are on track to open in the fourth quarter of this year.

Zallie ShopRite – Cherrywood (Blackwood)

Keeping this short and I hope to have another update in a few weeks!

Links and Location

ShopRite of Cherrywood Plaza (Approved)
1468 Blackwood Clementon Rd
Clementon, NJ 08021

Zallie Family Markets