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Burlington Coat Factory coming to Deptford

Burlington Coat Factory coming to Deptford

South Jersey Times is reporting today that Burlington Coat Factory is moving into the mostly vacant center on Almonesson Rd, where Sam’s Club, Sports Authority and Circuit City used to be featured tenants.

This is another in a series of big wins for Deptford, and one that will really help solidify the future of this area of Almonesson around the Red Lobster and Olive Garden pairing.

As previously reported here, across the street HomeGoods and a relocated Ulta are nearing completion, which are 100s of feet away from the all new 4 store Christmas Tree Shop Center.

Stores like to take advantage of other’s successes and when they see good things happening they want into the same area to capitalize… Helping to create a shopping destination.

Just when it seemed the new Walmart/Sam’s location at Rt 42 was going to wipe out these older centers, they come back with a strong right hook.

The article does not say what building they will be moving into, but the empty Sports Authority location next to Ross seems like the best fit, although Circuit City, the original Sam’s Club location or maybe even the Branch Brook Pools spot (but that seems less likely)

Another consideration is… Does this location have any impact on the Washington Two location which is only a few miles up Rt 42.

Where do you think Burlington Coat Factory should locate?