The new Bellmawr Super Wawa opened today! The Wawa is located on Creek Road at the entrance to Rt 42 North, and should become a regular stop for many commuters on 42 north heading to the City or 295.
The building is bright and modern… and at its core is very similar to the Super Wawas we are all familiar with.
A few immediate changes I noticed that seemed geared towards improving human flow:
- Entrance: There is just one front entrance area as opposed to the two front entrances that other Super Wawas have, and the interior foyer doors are setup so that customers coming in move straight ahead, while customers leaving are coming from side (interior) door that leads from the registers.
- Registers: The registers are set up like a more traditional retail store or supermarket. There is no big ring of registers like in Mt Ephraim. In total there are 4 separate lanes. As mentioned in the point above, just like a supermarket, after paying you are led to an exit door that is mostly dedicated for leaving to the front.
- Tobacco Checkout: Something I haven’t seen in any other Wawa is Bellmawr’s store has designated one checkout for tobacco purchases. Yes you can purchase other items there, but if you want “smokes” you have to go to this line. Seems like a good idea, in that checking IDs can slow down the line for everyone. I imagine at slow times when only one register is in use, it will have to be this one. A representative said that this is not the first Wawa configured like this, and they expect to make the change to most Wawas.
- As expected from a Super Wawa, there is a rear entrance with significant parking out back, and public access restrooms
With all of the targeted improvements in human traffic flow, I already experienced what I hope isn’t a car traffic problem. The driveways are positioned on Creek Rd, or very close to it, so traffic exiting and entering at the key Edgewood side entrance have to deal with cars backed up at the red-light. Maybe a rear driveway would’ve helped. We’ll see how this works out once the initial rush of “first lookers” slows down.
I realize now that I write this that I missed getting a clear photo of the front of the food preparation area but do have a side shot! In my quick look this morning these are the key items I identified… go check out the new Super Wawa and see for yourself!
- Entrance to Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Rear Entrance Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Gas pumps Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Registers at Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Dedicated Tobacco Aisle Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Coffee anyone?: Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Bellmawr Super Wawa
- Bellmawr Super Wawa