A wooded property at the corner of Cooper Road & Kresson-Gibbsboro Road has been cleared, ahead of development of a 3-story 121,000 sq ft ExtraSpace brand storage facility. This is the one of three storage facilities approved for the area.
The three Voorhees storage facilities were all approved in the last 12 months, and all within about one mile from each other. They seem to form a triangle around the prestigious Alluvium Woods development.
Check my overlay map at the bottom of this article to understand!
The three approved storage facilities are:
- Cooper Road & Kresson-Gibbsboro Road. 121,000 sq ft. Approved Jan 26, 2022
- 111 Centennial Blvd. 125,286 sq ft. Approved April 13, 2022
- 604 Centennial Blvd. 102,000 sq ft. Approved Oct 27, 2021
The total square footage of new storage facilities in that area is 348,286.
I created the map at the bottom of the article to show the three properties located around Alluvium Woods, and the distances between the center points of each (based on Google Map measuring tool)
So I am “Mr Neutral” in my posting but have to say I’ve never seen something like this before.
2022 is a whole new world of commercial development in South Jersey!

I am not looking to blame the town… business folks decide how to spend their money and where to locate the businesses. They do require approvals but at times the town’s “hands are tied”
Playing the role of “Devil’s Advocate” for a second, the benefit for the town is:
- storage facilities are larger tax paying businesses
- have low traffic impact
- zero new students within very expensive school districts.
TO BE CLEAR: I am not saying I am “for” the projects or against them. I am just trying to present all facets of the reasoning!
Actually, I will have a separate article/video on this storage facility and car wash boom soon.
Voorhees Three Storage Facilities
Actually, I wasn’t aware of all three Voorhees storage facilities until I pieced it all together this morning.
Over the last year I had seen several legal notices for storage facilities in Voorhees but prior time constraints of having a day job kept me from reporting on them. (At this fulltime now!)
So when a loyal reader reached out yesterday and said “hey do you know what is coming to that cleared wooded property on the corner next to the Cooper Rd Fire Station?”… I saw it as a great opportunity to catch up and to get the drone up in the sky!

Before heading out I did some quick research to confirm that Cooper Rd storage project and I see it was approved on January 26, 2022.
But then I also noticed another storage facility was approved for 111 Centennial Blvd on June 12th, which is less than a mile away (in front of the Centennial Mill development)
So I headed out to get images and drone shots of both properties.
Then this morning as I started writing this up this article I started looking for additional details to include.
And find that a third storage facility was approved on Oct 27, 2021 for 604 Centennial Blvd next to the concrete plant. Website 70and73.com has all of those details.
And honestly for that third 604 property since I just learned about it this morning I don’t know if they have started construction already.

At times I like to create overlay maps for my articles and when I started plotting the locations I realized they were somewhat close.
The three locations form a triangle of course (there’s my fancy Triton geometry knowledge!) where all three locations are about a from mile each other. They basically surround the perimeter of the Northern section of the Alluvium Woods development.

More 42Freeway to Come! More Voorhees!
I’ve recently announced that I am full time at 42Freeway.com now! You can read about that and my website writing background at the updated “About” page.
While I have written many articles on Voorhees, my prior life with a day-job made it difficult to cover everything (such as missing these storage facilities when they went to planning). But you can check out my prior Voorhees posts at this link. Many more to come!